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HDP/TCA 錠劑包衣黏性測試裝置
HDP/TCA 錠劑包衣黏性測試裝置
包衣的技術可決定藥效,若包衣黏結力不夠會造成內部片劑破碎、邊緣破損或與內部藥物剝離等現象,進而影響片劑中活性成分的釋放,如腸溶性和緩釋藥物的包衣片劑。透過此裝置及可測量包衣和片劑表面之間的黏結強度(Adhesive Strength)。
Defects such as cracking and edge splitting and peeling can be a consequence of change of materials and can have a profound effect on the release of an active ingredient, especially if the tablet has been coated with an enteroinsoluble or sustained-release film. This test provides a quantitative measure of the adhesion strength of the coating to the tablet surface. Such a test is useful for studying the consequences of changes in tablet coating formulation variables.

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