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D1321-95 針型探頭
D1321-95 針型探頭
符合ASTMD 1321 測試標準,主要用於評估口紅、唇膏等蠟質樣品的硬度(Hardness)、均質性(Homogeneity) 或是氣室現象,以提供配方調整及工藝製程改善依據。
Lipstick hardness is an important determination and is described in the ASTM Standard Method of Test D1321-95 which specifies the use of a needle penetration test. Besides determining lipstick hardness, this test may also indicate the presence of unwanted trapped air bubbles, or a “grainy” texture as a result of either incomplete colourant dispersion or the working and chilling processes during manufacture.

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