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A/TGT 滾輪式拉伸裝置-肉蛋水產

A/TGT 滾輪式拉伸裝置
彈簧式滾輪提供自行壓緊機制,夾具上的紋路可有效增加固定樣品時的摩擦力,能避免樣品滑脫,此夾具最大負荷為寬45 mm、厚10 mm。可用於測試腸衣、薄膜等樣品的拉伸強度(Tensile Strength)、延展性(Extensibility)等質地特性。

Spring loaded cross-hatched rollers provide the self-tightening mechanism by which samples up to 45mm wide and 10mm thick are gripped.
These grips are ideal for measuring the tensile strength and tear characteristics of a wide range of materials which have a smooth surface finish or whose physical characteristics alter when a tensile force is applied. Typical examples include snack product packets and seal strength tests.

A/TGT 滾輪式拉伸裝置-肉蛋水產
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