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A/STR 皮革撕裂夾具
A/STR 皮革撕裂夾具
槽撕裂式測試(Slop Tear Test)符合皮革SLP/7、IUP 8及ISO 3377-2方法,以100±20mm/min速度撕裂一個有凹縫皮革樣品測得其撕裂強度(Tear Strength)、平均撕裂力(Average Tearing Force)、最大和最小撕裂力等參數。
Slot Tear Rig A/STR
The Standard only requires the maximum force to be measured. However, the average tear force, force maxima and minima by identifying and averaging of the 10 maximum and 10 minimum peak forces and work done can also be measured automatically.