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A/MUC 生物黏附製劑測試裝置
A/MUC 生物黏附製劑測試裝置
藥物通過黏附於身體的黏膜上,然後對病症位置進行定點給藥並且延長作用時間。透過此裝置即可類比藥物在真實條件下( 如胃、腸)的黏附狀況,無論是固體製劑或半固體的膠皆可進行黏附力(Adhesion) 測試。
Mucoadhesion is the process by which a drug delivery device is designed to stick to a part of the gut or other mucosae, thus delivering drug to a precise site in the body for an extended period. This gives more effective treatment of some diseases and can also protect drugs from some of the harsh conditions in the body. Tests of solid dosage forms, semi-solids such as gels and even systems which solidify on contact with the target organ can be performed.

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